Actor-comedian Kevin Hart and two others were involved in a car crash… MORE

Actor-comedian Kevin Hart and two others were involved in a car crash… MORE
[vemba-video id=”van/ns-acc/2019/08/22/NE-033WE_CNNA-ST1-100000000557d4b6″] As a parent this makes me sick to my stomach.… MORE
Sunday, after waking to the news that there was a another mass shooting… MORE
Meek Mill to get new trial and judge, Pennsylvania appeals court rules… MORE
View this post on Instagram #fitbody goals with @boonetrailfit featuring @alyssestewart #ad #fayetteville #radio #justdoit A post shared by Magic 106.9 The Adult Choice (@magic1069fm) on Jun 19, 2019 at 7:29am PDT I have always been a fit chick! No problems with eating too much or not enough. Thanks to genetics and a strong…… MORE
[vemba-video id=”tv/2019/05/17/kristie-lu-stout-same-sex-marriage-2.cnn”] … MORE
The track, dubbed “Higher,” features John Legend on piano and the hook.… MORE
“… an inappropriate rush to judgment.”… MORE